Thank you to our supporters!
ICSVPAC would like to recognize the following,
for their foresight and generosity as our flagship supporters.
THANK YOU for your commitment to this legacy project!
Ellie Aaro
Lynn Adolphson
Marisa Ala
All Star Glass Company
Richard Altenback & Dawn Simmons
Amerimart Stores
Tim & Keri Ames
(in honor of Marilyn Etter McCanna)
Gretchen Anderberg
Patrick & Karen Anthony
Audrey’s Boutique
Avista Foundation
Avista Utilities
Judy Bacon (in memory of Velma Jeans)
David & Michelle Baker*
Janet Baldwin (in memory of Roger Baldwin)
David Ball
Melody Balmes
Heather Barbieri
Duane & Robin Barnhart
Barry & Nancy Bauchwitz
(in memory of Ruth Hoover Hilborn)
Dr. Juanito & Laura Baylon
Susanna Baylon & Dean Fries*
Beacon Hill Catering
David & Crystal Bingham
Kathy & Bruce Bixler
Dorothy Blankenship-Baldwin
Sandy Bonsignore
John & Roberta Bottelli
(in honor of Ben Frank Moss)
Flora Bowers
Brand-It Advertising and Promotional Products
Brightside Insurance
Bryce Brewer
Scott & Charlie Brewer
David & Liberty Brewster*
Heather Brown
Jerri Brown
Kirby Brown
Jennifer Brummett
Dack & Kristy Busch
Vickie Butka
Helen Byrne
Ashley Cameron
June Canaday
Christel Carlson
(in memory of Robert & Johnnie Carlson)
Craig & Janet Catlett-Starkey
Central Valley High School
Central Valley School District
City of Spokane Valley
Josh Clements-Sampson
Stan & Patty Clouse
Joanne Cochrane
Coeur d'Alene Tribe & Casino/Resort
Columbia Bank
The Compass Room
Fr. Thomas Connolly*
Doug & Maggie Crabtree
Dan & Kim Cronen*
Nancy Crotty
Karen Dagg
D.A. Davidson
Steve & Annette Davidow
Sandy Davidson
Greg Deckard
James & Ruth DeWalt
Department of Commerce
Cindy Dibble
Dominic & Patricia DiGirolamo
Michael Dixson
Theophilus Dolle
Charles & Mary Douthitt
Danette Driscoll
Edward Jones Investments
Elaine Edwards
Andrea Estes
Susan Eugster
Robert Farner
Tammy Ferguson
Five Star Real Estate
Karl & Suzanne Flemming
Charles & Brenda Fletcher
Dave & Suzan Folger
Cyndi Fridye
Friendship Force of Eastern WA/North ID (EWNIFF)
Don & Carolyn Fries
Shirley Frostman
Michael & Vicki Frucci
Eide Bailly
Frucci Enterprises
Gem State Mule Company
Wendy Gilbert
Greater Spokane Incorporated
Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce
Vivian Gregson
Dan & LuAnn Griffith*
Jeff Grimes
Amanda Guarisco*
John & Katie Guarisco*
Grant & Lisa Guinn
Caylon & Candace Haggard
Rustin & Lynda Hall
Lorna Hamilton
Colten Hansen
Martha Harshbarger
Tom & Claudia Hartanov
Cherne Haskell/Haskell Family
Tim & Becky Hattenburg
Rob Haugen
Arthur & Melody Heaton*
Scott Henderson
Hennessey Valley Funeral Home
Jared & Kara Hertz
Rod & Gloria Higgins
Ken & Mickey Hill
Michael & Christie Hinnen
Daniel & Kathy Hoffmann
ReAnn Holmes
Judith Horton
Melissa Huggins
Idaho Central Credit Union (ICCU)
Innovia Foundation
Matt Jackson-Fleming
Rev. Dr. Ardyth Johnson
Randall C. Johnson
Yvonne A.K. Johnson*
James Kenyon
Michael & Theresa Keyes
Janet Kirk
Lance Kissler
LuRicka Kougl
Stella Kroll
Kim Krogh
Christopher Lamb
LandTek LLC
Ryan Lewis
Lexar Homes of Spokane
Liberty Lake Rotary
Liberty Mutual
Greg Lipsker, Barrister Winery
Jeremy Long
Justin & Katie Louie
Lukins & Annis P.S., Attorneys at Law
Jim Lusk
Cindy Lykins (in honor of Frances Lykins)
Mitch Lykins
David & Christina Lynch*
Gail Mackie
Kathy Main
William Main
Deborah Marlowe
Jodi Martinez
Mike & Christy Marzetta
Bruce & Karen Mathews
Kirsten Maser (in memory of Sheryl Anderson)
Dr. Robert & Dia Maurer
Erika Maxwell
Julie McElroy
Susan McFarlane
Kate McKay
Darby & Jovanka McKee
Peter & Carol McKenny
Patti McKerricher-Boyd
Annie McKinlay
Brenda McKinley
Catherine McNamara*
Ryan & Sarah McNeice
Annamarie Megrdichian & Gerald P. Gagner, Sr.
Annamarie Megrdichian (in memory of Donna DeBie)
Max Mendez
Elizabeth Mills
Minuteman Press
Mirabeau Park Hotel & Max at Mirabeau
MJM Grand
Yvonne Moen
Nancy Moore
Donald & Violet Morgan
Jeff & Julie Morris
Bruce & CarolAnn Mountjoy
Camilla Mounts
Michael J. Muzatko
NAC Architects
Dave & Subarna Nagra
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
National Independent Venue Association (NIVA)
Dale Nelson (in honor of Alexis Nelson)
Paul & Cheri Nelson
Yara Nemri
Eric Nordling
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Michael Noyes
Robert & Carol Numata
Drew & Andrea Olsen*
Ann Oswold
Overbluff Cellars LLC
Georgia Oxford*
Robyn Parks, Parks CPA
Ryan Patterson & Paul Villabrille*
Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
Kathleen Pearson
Kelli Pearson
Pearson & Weary Chiropractic
Orthopaedics and Rehab
Erick Peck
Chad & Brandi Peetz
Lee & Doris Pennell (in memory of John & Betty Wills)
Perfect Place Realty
Michelle Peters
Joan Petow
Ryan Petrik
Marilyn Phalen
Pierce Charitable Trust
Pinnacle Investigations
Collin J. Pittmann*
James and Janet Pittmann
Jeff & Tara Pittmann
Kim Plese
Plese Printing
Greg Presley
Rosalee Presley
Cameron & Darnelle Preston
David Prizer
Profectus Business Consulting
Alyssa Putas
Bonnie Quinn (in memory of Alice Quinn)
Kathryn Quinn
Tim & Gretchen Ramey
Pete & Linda Rayner
Brian & Megan Read*
Dr. John and Shirley Read
Stephanie Regalado
(in honor of Paisley & Naiya Regalado-Magda)
ReMax Realty
Marvo Reguindin & Paul Tiesse
Retirement Nationwide
Dave & Gaye Ribble
Joe & Pam Ridlington
Jessica Rizzuto
Molly Robbins (in honor of Mike Robbins)
Sherri Robinson & Steven J. Ross
Roger & Linay Robison*
Rock Placing Company
William Vince Roland
Michael & Dr. Marnie Rorholm*
Melanie Rose
Bruce & Julie Rosenoff
Eric & Heather Rosentrater
Vicki Roys
Janice Sanford
Gloria Sawyer
Sabrina Sawyer
James Saxton
Neal & Barb Schaefer
Suzanne Schmidt (in memory of Alice Quinn)
Mark & Jenny Schuetzle
Gary & Sharlene Schumach
Houston & Alene Scrudder
Larry & Eldonna Shaw-Davis
Garry Shea & Lorna Walsh
Matt & Kate Sheffield
Nancy Siegel
Jean Simpson
Helen & James Skindlov
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Damon & Joy Smith
Dennis & Sharon Smith
V. Roberta Smith
Barbara Smither
Brian & Becky Soth
S. Shadd Soth
Dolph & Thelma Spalding Family Fund
Splash/Current Publications
Spokane Arts
Spokane Corvette Club
(in memory of Sheryl Anderson)
Spokane County
Spokane Valley Summer Theatre
Starr Investments LLC
State Bank Northwest
State of Washington
Gayle Jacklin-Stegmann
Stegmann Farms
Neil Strauss
Sunrise Rotary
TDS Fiber
Charles Teegarden Jr.
Alex & Kate Telis (in memory of Dave Campbell)
Shannon Tenney
Geoff & Monique Tesarik
Blythe Thimsen
Marcia J. Thimsen
Thinking Cap Communication & Design
Linda Thompson
Lori-Ann Thorsness
Jim & Shirley Throop
Dr. Jane Tiedt (in memory of Cliff Tiedt)
Logan Tiedt (in memory of Cliff Tiedt)
Jennifer Tindall
Scott & Angelique Tindall
Terry Tombari
Tourism Promotion Area (TPA)
Michelle Townshend
Michelle Triant
Tru by Hilton, Spokane Valley
True North Homes LLC
Charlene Trujillo
Maria Trunkenbolz
Patrick Turner
TypeCraft, Inc.
Umpqua Bank
Linda Underwood
University High School
Daniel Urzika*
U.S. Bank
Jerald Vigil
Pat & Sandy Volkar
Lorna Walsh & Garry Shea
Visit Spokane
Walmart Supercenter
Jay & Kathleen Walter
Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA)
Washington State Department of Commerce
Tim & Haliey Weber*
Kathy Webley
Debbie Weiler
Irene Weir
Bob & Maureen Weisbeck
Clancy Welch
Clint Welch
Elizabeth Welty Foundation
Ben & Danica Wick
Tim Wick
Dr. Mary Widman
Leah Wilkinson-Brockway
Nancy Wing* (in memory of John Briggs)
Robin Wirick
Jeremy & Erin Wissing
Jan Woesner
Arne & Charmagne Woodard
The Yale Family (in memory of Tim Yale)
Tamera Yager
David & Pam Zack
Victoria Zvonchek-Ferro
*100% financial participation from SVPAC Advisory Council members